1. Disclaimer

Images are shown on the site as examples and products delivered may differ from the images in any way due to changes in features or design without prior notice.

The maximum value of obligations that can be claimed on IT Genetics Supplies S.R.L. by any client in the case of non-delivery or improper delivery amounts to the total value of the sums collected by IT Genetics Supplies S.R.L. from that client.

2. Fraud

Any abusive attempt to access a user’s personal data, to modify the content of the or sites or to hinder the performance of the server that runs the or sites will be considered an attempt to defraud the sites and subsequently, a criminal investigation will be initiated against the person or persons who committed this act.

3. Disputes

Any dispute between Customers and IT Genetics Supplies S.R.L. it will be settled amicably. If it hasn’t been settled amicably, then jurisdiction rests with the competent courts in Romania.

4. Personal data

Personal information belonging to users of the and sites may only be used for commercial communications with IT Genetics Supplies S.R.L.

Any specifics regarding the situation and condition of the listed products can be obtained by contacting us online or by email/phone, through the contact information found on this site. Data on the site regarding stock/product availability does not imply any responsibility on the part of IT Genetics Supplies S.R.L. as the site administrator.

5. Personal data and information security

The following rules guide the privacy policy set by IT Genetics Supplies S.R.L. and this policy subsequently explains how we handle any type of personal information you may share with us while using our websites.

Personal information is defined as any type of information that formally identifies you as a person (for example, your name, address, or telephone number).

IT Genetics Supplies S.R.L. will not sell, rent or distribute the information it collects, to anyone. We collect data in order to honor orders and to best serve our customers with complete updated status of orders, and deliveries or to announce ongoing promotions. In no case will this data be provided to a third party unless required by law.

You can modify or delete from our database any information you have previously provided, at any time. If you wish to change anything about your own personal data being held in our possession, please contact us by phone at: 021-780.03.18.

We will try to let you know if there are any changes to our privacy policy that may affect how we use the information you provide. However, we encourage users to be responsible for the confidentiality of their own personal data and to check the rules set out in this policy from time to time, so they can update their preferences if they see fit.

We look forward to receiving your concerns and/or comments on any confidentiality issues.

If you have any such comments or if you wish to register a complaint about how we use your personal data, please contact us by phone at: 021-780.03.18.

IT Genetics Supplies S.R.L. is registered with the National Authority for the Supervision of Personal Data Processing under number 15940.

According to the requirements of Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to personal data processing and the free movement of such data, amended and supplemented and those of Law no. 506/2004 on the processing of personal data, IT Genetics Supplies S.R.L. has the obligation to manage your data safely and only for the specified purposes.

The websites and use security measures against the loss, alteration, or misuse of information that is under our control. In case of information loss due to “bugs”, glitches, or errors of the software used to design and host and, the company does not take any responsibility.

Protection of personal data – updated according to EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR)

General information

IT Genetics SRL, having its place of business on Romania, Dambovita, Cazaci 185, corp C3, represents the operator in accordance with the GDPR and, therefore, is responsible for the data processing described hence forth. For questions or requests regarding data processing, please contact our data protection officer, whose contact details can be found below.

You can contact our data protection officer at any time using the following contact details: IT Genetics Supplies SRL, Romania, Dambovita, Cazaci 185, corp C3, email:

Data processing information

We will process personal data collected through the online customer registration form and, during the course of future commercial transactions, for the purpose of concluding and executing the contract. This processing is based on Art. 6 paragraph sentence 1 letter b of the GDPR.

We will process all of your personal data collected through the online registration form and during all future business interactions, for the purpose of data analysis and conducting business. For these purposes we will also contact you by e-mail, SMS or telephone.

For the purposes mentioned above, your data will be stored in our database and will be compiled along with data that we collect from public sources (for example, the Trade Register). This processing is based on Art. 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 letter f of the GDPR.

All your personal data collected via the online customer registration form and throughout all future business transactions will also be processed by us in order to provide you with advertising and marketing campaigns. This processing is based on Article 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 letter f of the GDPR.

We wish to pursue our legitimate interests in order to inform you about our offers and services and to expand our relationships with customers. If you have given your prior consent, we will also use your personal information to provide you with our relevant offers via email, SMS or telephone. This processing is legally based on Article 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 letter a of the GDPR.

Data recipients

In order to achieve the purposes mentioned above, we use service providers, respectively authorized according to GDPR Article 28, for example, our host service providers, platform and maintenance service providers, courier service providers, or our e-mails and SMS or telephone providers as well as those for printing personalized advertising materials.

We ensure through contractual regulations that these service providers process personal data in accordance with European data protection legislation, in order to guarantee a high level of data protection, even when that personal data is being transferred to a country in which a different level of data protection is being used and /or has no equivalent decision to that of the EU Commission. No other transfers of personal data are being made to other recipients unless we’re obliged by law to do so.

For more information on the proper protection regarding international data transfer or a copying thereof, please contact our data protection officer by e-mail at:

Mandatory / Voluntary Provision of Data and Duration of data retention

Providing the following information is necessary in order to be able to conclude a contract and to process customer registration: customer name (= your company name), industry, legal form of business, billing address, company phone number, tax code (for EU customers: registration number for VAT purposes), identification data of person (s) authorized to make purchases (ex. business owner), formal position of the person authorized to purchase (ex. business owner or buyer), the company’s proof of existence.

The rest of the data collected during the customer registration process is provided by you voluntarily. You are not obliged to provide us with this personal data and this data is not a legally or contractually binding or a necessary requirement to conclude a contract. If you do not provide us with this personal data, this will not affect you. Your personal data will be stored until the end of the mutual business relationship, unless we have a legal obligation to continue to store your data for the purposes of presenting it to public authorities, like tax authorities, for example. The storage and transfer of your personal data to public authorities for the purpose of fulfilling a legal obligation is legally based on Art. 6 paragraph 1 thesis 1 letter c of the GDPR.

Your rights

As a data subject, you can contact our data protection officer at any time and free of charge, by notification, using the contact details mentioned above, in order to exercise your rights under GDPR. These rights are the following:

  • The right to receive information on data processing and a copy of the processed data (right of access, GDPR Article 15);
  • The right to request correction of inaccurate data or completion of incomplete data (right of rectification, GDPR Article 16);
  • The right to request the deletion of personal data and, if personal data has already been made public, sending the request for deletion to other operators (right of deletion, GDPR Article 17);
  • The right to request a restriction of data processing (right to a restriction of processing, GDPR Article 18);
  • The right to receive personal data concerning the data subject in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to request the transmission of such data to another controller (right to data portability, GDPR Article 20);
  • The right to oppose data processing with the intent of ceasing the process (right to object, GDPR Article 21);
  • The right to withdraw given consent at any time with the purpose of stopping the data processing based on your consent. The withdrawal does not affect the lawful processing of data on the basis of your prior consent (right of withdrawal of consent, GDPR Article 7);
  • The right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority if you consider that the data processing is in breach of the GDPR (right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority, GDPR Article 77).

Due to possible changes in legislation, a change in these data protection notifications may become necessary. If such is the case, we will inform you of any changes. To the extent that these data processing changes will require your consent, we will ask you to reconfirm it, if necessary.